Thursday, August 20, 2009

It runs in the family...

Ok. Five minutes have passed and I haven't been able to think of anything to write. I was aiming to make this first blog post cunning and interesting. Alas here I am. Sitting on my bed watching some lame rerun of a Disney channel show about a talentless 16 year old singer called Emillie Tennessee or Hannah Freaking Montana. Now I do enjoy watching the Disney channel. I would actually say that besides being crazy about Shopaholic books, it is probably my biggest guilty pleasures. But come on...A TV show about the Jonas Brothers!? No one listens to them anyway...who would want to watch them dancing in black spandex for 30 minutes? (Please do NOT answer)

On a different note, I will just explain a little bit about my background.
I was born in Houston Texas, when I was 2ish my family moved us to the nice crime less town of Sunnyvale California (we lived right behind the haunted Toys R' Us). When I was 6 we moved to the glorious Holy Land of Israel. I have been stuck here ever since. Dont get me wrong, I love it here...but these damn Isralites make every damn trivial thing into the end of the world. Get over yourselves. I believe that I do have the right to say this, after all I am an Israeli.

I have been thinking of opening a blog for about a year now. But I am constantly hindered by the fact that, knowing myself, I will write a few posts and completely forget about this. Then again, I have had blogs before, and I didn't give up on them so easily ( or should we say they didn't give up on me)
My father has been nurturing a blog for well over a year now, and I am proud to say that it is well on its way to growing up big and strong. Good job dad, you must be proud of your third offspring.

**would like to add that i would post a link to his blog....alas I have no earthly idea how too.
Sucks that they don't teach Blogging 101 in my school.

The idea of opening a blog has been constantly running through my head...but the idea of spending hours writing a post, only to find out that no one has read it or even commented, darkens my poor fragile heart. Then again, it could be worse...I could be "re birthing" myself in the Egyptian sea at some hippies love convention.

Remember kids,
if it smells like a mouse...its probably a rat.



  1. Hey Dyl,

    Nice first post.


  2. Hey Dyl, nice post. Can you sort of kinda change the colors a bit tho, the black is making me blind.
